Thursday, April 30, 2009

UPDATE: MSNBC show "The ED Show"

Today the ratings came out and the ED show dropped a little bit from yesterdays 606,000 to 589,000 viewers. Hopefully in the coming days the ratings can reach around 700,000+ in order to stay on the air. Like stated in the beginning the show is really good. Plus for some reason his show is not benefiting from a Hardball lead in. I wonder why? Perhaps MSNBC should consider changing up or a shake up. They need hosts who can appeal well. More commentators like Rachel Maddow! So far it's been reported that MSNBC is #1 in the 18-34 demo. I would like to see some of those numbers, seriously. the age group of 18-34 is an unreliable demographic, they toon in and out. More too come, what do you think?

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